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Alacrous Learning


National Education Policy

Alacrous High School Internship Programme (HSI) has been helping school students in interning with leading companies, top start-ups and professionals, to dive into real-world challenges, make a contribution and gain experience through internships. 

As per the New Education Policy 2020 (NEP), a holistic, flexible and multidisciplinary education system is the need of the hour. The NEP has emphasized on internships from 6th standard to 12th standard, and Alacrous is working towards implementing it at a large scale. 

Alacrous HSI has been helping school students, by means of:

  1. Applying, choosing, and opting online, in partnership with a highly curated network of company partners
  2. Making sure that the entire internship is smooth for the student through making it cushioned wherever possible, to make sure that the student can comfortably make the most of the exposure
  3. Staying involved in order to keep a track of the experience being as fruitful as possible for the student.
  4. Act as a medium for anti-plagiarism through our unified certification, 

The programme is specifically formulated for students of 9th – 12th standard. The NEP aims at developing skills, critical thinking and focused experimental learning which can be developed through Alacrous internships (HSI). 

The NEP has stressed on online and digital education as an essential preparedness with quality education due to the rise in pandemics and natural calamities. During the HSI, students are provided with optimum exposure to ensure that they carve themselves out during the internships in a flexible, short yet substantial time period. Alacrous HSI facilitates an inclusive and participatory approach that takes into consideration field experiences, empirical research, stakeholder feedback, as well as lessons learned from the best in practice to prepare the students in the best way for the industry, and give him an insider experience into the industry and field that he/she is opting in for further.  

A student can avail an internship for a period of 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks and 8 weeks within the preferred areas of interest, in order to keep sync with the time barrier for the age-group, and to give more space for exploration. 

The HSI programme resonates with practice-based curriculum formulated by the National Council of Educational Research and Training. Alacrous HSI has always emphasized on developing innate talents in every student and ensured that the students’ experience is enlightening through industry exposure and experience, also making sure that the students’ contribution doesn’t get undervalued, by means of our unique anti-plagiarism certification. These talents have been expressing themselves in the form of varying interests, dispositions, and capacities, therefore students who show particularly strong interests and capacities in a given realm have been encouraged by Alacrous to pursue that realm beyond the general school curriculum during the HSI and opt for real-world learning and exposure to give a better insight into the industry. The NEP has a kindred congruency with the principles, experience and prospects of Alacrous HSI to serve society and work in the public interest. Alacrous is collaborating with schools, youth conferences, communities and summits, across India so that more students may actively engage with the practical side of their learning and, as a by-product, further improve their skills.